May 30, 2017
Steve Brauerman Comments on Supreme Court TC Heartland Decision in Law 360
Stephen Brauerman, head of Bayard’s litigation group, is quoted extensively in an article appearing in Law 360, entitled “Delaware Primed for IP Case Bump Despite Bench Vacancies,” regarding the implications of last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC for the Delaware District Court. Brauerman, who also heads the Delaware Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, appears regularly in intellectual property cases pending in the United States District Court for Delaware. The Court is likely to see an influx of intellectual property cases as a result of the decision, which limits where patent owners can file infringement cases. In the Law 360 article, he is quoted as stating “I don’t think there’s any question whether Delaware can handle the [additional caseload].” He added, “the district court has always been a hotbed for patent cases…. Delaware prides itself on being the venue to decide very complicated business disputes.”
Law 360 is an online legal publication by the Portfolio Media, Inc. located in New York City. The full article can be read here. For a more in-depth review of the TC Heartland decision, please see
Law 360 is an online legal publication by the Portfolio Media, Inc. located in New York City. The full article can be read here. For a more in-depth review of the TC Heartland decision, please see