October 2, 2013
Bayard’s Neil B. Glassman Hosts Discussion Regarding Claims Transfer Transactions for the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Unsecured Trade Creditors’ Committee
Neil B. Glassman, a director with Bayard’s bankruptcy group, recently led a telephonic discussion on behalf of the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Unsecured Trade Creditors’ Committee (the “UTC Committee”) regarding claim transfer transactions. The discussion focused on the steps in a claim-sale transaction, standard provisions in the transaction documents, developments in the industry, and frequently negotiated issues and provisions. Evan T. Miller, an associate with Bayard’s bankruptcy group, assisted with preparations for the discussion.
The American Bankruptcy Institute (“ABI”) has 17 active committees, each focusing on a specific area of insolvency. The UTC Committee studies and makes recommendations on the rights of unsecured trade creditors in bankruptcy by, among other ways, hosting bi-monthly calls to discuss new developments in the field.
Bayard is a frequent sponsor of ABI events nationwide and its attorneys have routinely been asked to speak or facilitate ABI panel discussions. Most recently, Mr. Glassman facilitated a panel discussion on the topic of operating chapter 7 cases at the 9th Annual Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
The American Bankruptcy Institute (“ABI”) has 17 active committees, each focusing on a specific area of insolvency. The UTC Committee studies and makes recommendations on the rights of unsecured trade creditors in bankruptcy by, among other ways, hosting bi-monthly calls to discuss new developments in the field.
Bayard is a frequent sponsor of ABI events nationwide and its attorneys have routinely been asked to speak or facilitate ABI panel discussions. Most recently, Mr. Glassman facilitated a panel discussion on the topic of operating chapter 7 cases at the 9th Annual Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop in Hershey, Pennsylvania.